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Production base

Jiangsu Plant: Sodium bisulfite solution, 30000tons/year;
Shandong Plant: Cyclopentanone, 1000tons/year; 2-Methylindoline 50tons/year; 4-Chloro-3-sulphamoylbenzoic acid, 50tons/year;
Shanxi Plant: 2-Adamantanone, 50tons/year; 1- Methylindole, 20tons/year; 1-bromo-3-methyl-2-buten, 10tons/year;
Shandong Plant(under construction in Heze City), Veterinary APIs: Ceftiofur sodium, 50tons/year; Ceftiofur hydrochloride, 50tons/year; Cefquinome sulfate, 10tons/year; Cephalonium, 10tons/years.


R&D Center:  API Production Base of Technical Economic
Development Area, Shanghe County, Jinan, China
Sales Center: No. 322 of Tongke building,
high-tech Zone,Jinan, China
HR TEL: 86-531-58565868
TEL: 86-15653103076
86-15020285806(global market)
86-18369000022(domestic market)
E-MAIL: xinhuang@sddhpharm.com

涿州市| 阳山县| 福州市| 循化| 桃源县| 泽州县| 湾仔区| 射洪县| 涟源市| 四平市| 玉田县| 清镇市| 兴隆县| 买车| 高安市| 青海省| 垦利县| 广灵县| 鄄城县| 五华县| 尖扎县| 都昌县| 云安县| 通河县| 博客| 滨海县| 沭阳县| 原阳县| 来凤县| 三明市| 西丰县| 克山县| 当涂县| 江源县| 合阳县| 宜州市| 绥滨县| 廉江市| 武隆县| 论坛| 灯塔市|